Spreading Love Across the Globe

Our very own Dawn Witte has partnered up with the You At Heart Foundation to bring love and medical needs the child of Ghana.

You At Heart Foundation

Founded in April 2016, our goals remains simple: Sustainable improvement in the health and well-being of remote rural communities, providing school kits and learning centers, reduce illiteracy among children and other underserved populations in Ghana, exclusively those who live in Urban Slums and rural areas.YOU AT HEART INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION is a secular organization and bears no political agenda. We exist simply to bring help and hope to those in need. Our strength is based in these tenets:Emphasize health education, foster community partnership, empower through dignity and respect and commitment demonstrated through action. We depend on Donors like you to support our vital work to empower everyday. Please explore the website and we look forward to hearing from you. http://www.youatheartfoundation.org/